Amarillo—The 11th annual RadioThon to benefit St. Valentine Catholic Radio, 1360AM, KDJW, will begin a five-day run at 8:00am on Monday, Sept. 26.
RadioThon 2016 will have live hours all five days from 8:00am to 9:00am and from noon to 1:00pm. There will also be one final half-hour of RadioThon from 5:00 to 5:30. The event will end at 5:30 on Friday, Sept. 30.
Final revisions are being made to the guest list, according to Chris Albracht, diocesan director of communications who will host the annual fundraiser for a sixth consecutive year.
A staple of past RadioThon’s, the Silent Auction, will return for this year’s event and will feature a new prize package each day, with bids being accepted between 8:00am and 5:25pm. Those packages are:
• Monday, Sept. 26, the Inspiration and Bling Package, with two $50 gift cards from Top of Texas Catholic SuperStore at 2500 South Coulter, a $250 gift certificate from Janus Jewelers at 3300 South Western and an autographed copy of A Holy Year in Rome, by Joan Lewis, valued at $325;
• Tuesday, Sept. 27, the For Those Who Thirst, We Salute You Package, a 45-quart capacity RTIC roto-molded cooler, containing six 64-ounce Big Texan Growlers of Texas Brews, retail value of approximately $400, courtesy of Knights of Columbus Council #1450 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Amarillo
• Wednesday, Sept. 28, a $250 gift certificate to Leal’s Restaurant 1619 South Kentucky, Amarillo;
• Thursday, Sept. 29, two premium Silver Star Season Tickets to the 2016-17 season of Lone Star Ballet, including tickets to the Nutcracker, valued at $275; and,
• Friday, Sept. 30, two tickets to the Casting Crowns/Matt Maher concert on Saturday, Oct. 8 at the Amarillo Civic Center Cal Farley Coliseum.
For additional information about St. Valentine Catholic Radio or to make a contribution prior to RadioThon 2016, please call Sister Miriam Grady, DLJC, between 8:00am and 3:00pm Monday through Thursday at 350-1360 or visit the station’s website,