Amarillo—Holy Cross Catholic Academy is teaming up with Ascension Academy and San Jacinto Christian Academy to offer a College and Career Fair Thursday, Sept. 8 from 9:00am to noon at the Holy Cross Catholic Academy Event Center at 4102 South Bonham.
The event is open to all students preparing for their future, according to Zachary Zuniga, HCCA school counselor.
“Holy Cross Catholic Academy is partnering with San Jacinto Christian Academy and Ascension Academy to create a College and Career Fair that provides the private/homeschool and small school students in our area with an opportunity to see what options are available to them after high school,” said Zuniga.
“Private and homeschool students, in particular, are usually not given as many opportunities to be in front of colleges and businesses because of the resources that the big independent school districts in our community offer. We created this fair with the thinking that we will continue to grow this event year-to-year to give all the students in our area the ability to have the same chances.”
Business or college/technical schools interested in having a table at the fair are encouraged to contact Zuniga at 806-355-9637 or via email, [email protected].