Gruver—Comprehensive Youth Ministry Training 101 will be offered twice in the next several weeks in the Diocese of Amarillo, according to Diocesan Youth Director Oscar Guzman.
Training for the Central Deanery is scheduled Wednesday, Aug. 29 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm in the parish hall at the intersection of I-40 and Highway 385.
Training for the North Deanery will be offered Monday, Sept. 24 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Dalhart.
This workshop helps parish leaders come to fuller understanding of comprehensive youth ministry as outlined in
Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry (USCCB, 1997). The workshop explores the ways that a parish can effectively minister to young people within the context of the parish, including the family and wider community.
According to Guzman, the workshop is open to all pastors and associate pastors, deacons, youth ministry coordinators, prospective youth minister leaders, director of religious education, youth ministry teams and volunteers and youth ministry leaders, especially those involved with Quinceañeras, RCIA and Liturgy.
For additional information, please contact Guzman at 383-2243, ext. 118.