Amarillo—A sizeable contingent of Knights of Columbus in the Diocese of Amarillo reported to Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle May 7—one, to represent the fraternal organization, and two, more importantly, to unload two trucks containing $25,000 worth of food for those in need.
CCTXP received a $25,000 donation from the National Knights of Columbus
Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative to support the food effort in the Diocese of Amarillo, according to Catholic Charities Executive Director Jeff Gulde.
“This will go toward not just our efforts with the CCTXP Hunger Project, but food pantries in other areas of the diocese,” he said.
The donation was part of over $1 million donated by the Knights of Columbus to food pantries throughout the United States in an effort to feed those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic through the
Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative.
Joyce Knight, Resource Development Director and Volunteer Coordinator for Catholic Charities learned about the Knights of Columbus efforts during Holy Week. She consulted Ron Railsback of Council #7840 at St. Ann’s Church, Canyon, who reached out to Bishop Patrick J. Zurek and Knights of Columbus Diocesan Deputy Chris Johnson for additional assistance.
In the meantime, Johnson worked with Knight to secure funding for food donations from Knights of Columbus Councils in the diocese. He also contacted the national and state organizations, receiving a commitment from the state for $2,000. Overall, Johnson was responsible for obtaining $10,250 from state and local councils.
Bishop Zurek notified Gulde on April 23 that Catholic Charities would receive $25,000 from the National Knights of Columbus Foundation. The following day, Knight began calling food pantries in the diocese to ascertain their local food needs.
On May 4, orders were placed with the High Plains Food Bank and Affiliated Foods for food, with Railsback organizing volunteers to help unload the two trucks, sort the food and deliver the food to the area pantries in the diocese. Overall, 1,150 cases of food were delivered throughout the diocese to a number of food pantries. They include:
• The Catholic Student Center at West Texas A&M University, Canyon;
• St. Mary’s Church, Clarendon.
• St. Anthony of Padua Church, Dalhart;
• Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Dumas;
• Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Groom;
• Holy Family Church, Nazareth; and,
• St. Vincent de Paul Church, Pampa.
Catholic Charities and the Knights of Columbus have also teamed up to provide money for St. John the Evangelist Church, Borger, to purchase food locally, according to Gulde.
Knights of Columbus Councils who contributed funds include:
• Council #1450 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Amarillo;
• Council #2767 at St. Vincent de Paul Church, Pampa;
• Council #3558 at St. John the Evangelist Church, Borger;
• Council #4635 at St. Laurence Cathedral, Amarillo;
• Council #7840 at St. Ann’s Church, Canyon;
• Council #9413 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Amarillo;
• Council #12493 at Sacred Heart Church, Canadian; St. Patrick’s Church, Shamrock; Our Mother of Mercy Church, Wellington; and St. Mary’s Church, Wheeler;
• Council #12534 at Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulia; and,
• Council #16205 at St. Hyacinth’s Church, Amarillo.
Knights of Columbus Councils who assisted in unloading trucks and distributing food to area food pantries include:
• Council #1450 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Amarillo;
• Council #4621 at St. Joseph’s Church and St. Thomas the Apostle Church, both in Amarillo; and,
• Council #7840 at St. Ann’s Church, Canyon.
“We’re thrilled that the Knights of Columbus throughout the diocese answered our call for help and for their assistance in distributing this very generous donation of food,” said Gulde. “Bishop Patrick J. Zurek was very instrumental in getting these funds for us. We are very thankful that Bishop Zurek was able to intervene on our behalf and secure this funding for us to help the Diocese of Amarillo.”
For additional information about the Catholic Charities Hunger Project, please contact Jeff Gulde or Joyce Knight at 376-4571.