Amarillo—The diocesan Faith Formation office will offer an Introduction to Sacred Scripture course, part of the Faith Formation Basic Course, via Zoom in English and Spanish on Saturday, Oct. 10, according to Sister María Elena Ferrer, SSND, Coordinator of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation.
While catechists in the Diocese of Amarillo are encouraged to take advantage of this on-going Faith Formation opportunity, the course is open to any and all wishing to take part.
Sister María Elena will facilitate the English portion of the Zoom meeting from 9:30am to 12:30pm, and lead the Spanish portion from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
“There is no charge for this course,” said Sister María Elena. “All catechists in the Diocese of Amarillo who need this segment to complete the Faith Formation Basic Course are invited to join us via Zoom on Saturday, Oct. 10. We want to particularly encourage catechists who need this one segment to complete their basic certification to attend. We ask that participants to have a Bible, a pen and pad with them during the meeting. Make plans to attend this course and receive your certificate of attendance.”
For more information, please contact your parish DRE or Sister María Elena Ferrer, SSND, coordinator of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 806-383-2243, ext. 113.