Canyon—All practical Catholic gentlemen who are at least 18 years of age wishing to join the Knights of Columbus along with those who are current First Degree Knights wishing to advance to Third Degree are encouraged to attend a live in-person Degree Exemplification sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council #7840 at St. Ann’s Church. The Degree Exemplification is set for Sunday, April 18, beginning at 4:00pm at the parish, 605 38th Street.
All new candidates and current First Degree wishing to attend should arrive at St. Ann’s no later than 3:30pm, according to Ken Giromini, Financial Secretary for Council #7840. New candidates should bring their completed and signed Form 100 with them. Current First
Degree members must bring a current and signed First Degree Membership Card. A meal will follow the exemplification.
“These events don’t happen very often in any given year, so please don’t miss out on this opportunity,” Giromini said.
There is no charge for the Degree Exemplification. The meal is $10.00 for age 13 and up, $5.00 for children six to twelve. The ceremony generally lasts approximately 45 minutes and families are invited to attend. All COVID-19 protocols will be in effect and masks will be required. A head count is required for both ceremony and dinner.
For additional information, please contact Ken Giromini at 679-2685 or via email, [email protected].