Degree Obtained: B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies EC-6 ESL Generalist, West Texas A&M University, Canyon.
Spouse’s Name: None
Children: None
Why do you teach at a Catholic School, compared to a Public School? “I like the positive environment and I am given the opportunity to grow in my faith as I teach, as well as become an example for the students. I feel that this is the best way for me to fulfill my vocation of being a teacher.”
Why are Catholic Schools important? “Catholic schools educate the complete individual – academically, emotionally, as well as spiritually. Students are given opportunities to live their life in a God-centered manner.”
What is your philosophy when it comes to the classroom? “I believe that every student is a unique individual with God-given talents and it’s my job to help them see that. Also, every student deserves the opportunity to become as successful as possible in their life and that comes from feeling successful in the classroom.”
Hobbies: I love spending time with my family and attending my younger sisters’ events. I enjoy learning more about my faith and learning how to become a better Catholic, teacher and friend.
Favorite Television Show(s): I rarely watch TV, but I do like to watch reruns of shows that came on when I was younger.
Favorite Book(s): Any Nicholas Sparks books, and generally any “self-help” book that helps me become a better person.
If you had chosen another career path, what would it have been? “Counselor – of course I would be open to doing it through a church in addition to my teaching in the future!”
If you were Superintendent for a day, what would you do? “I would pamper all the Catholic school teachers. Teachers, and especially those at Catholic schools, are the hardest working people I have EVER met. Where would any of us be without our teachers, especially the teachers of our faith?”