Amarillo—A series of four Prayer and Worship Workshops are being offered throughout the Diocese of Amarillo this month, according to Diocesan Youth Director Oscar Guzman.
“These workshops assist young people in deepening their relationship with Jesus Christ through spiritual development and a personal prayer life,” he said. “These workshops will also provide a variety of communal prayer and worship experiences with youth to deepen and celebrate their relationship with Jesus Christ in a caring Christian community and involving young people in the sacramental life of the Church.
“These workshops help us address comments that we hear from youth, such as ‘I don’t know how to pray,’ when asking a volunteer to open up the gathering in prayer. Or ‘Mass and/or adoration is boring,’ or ‘I’m embarrassed to raise my hands or clap during praise and worship.’ We hope these workshops will assist youth leaders in addressing these concerns.”
Guzman said the workshops are scheduled in Cluster B host parishes and he is hoping that Cluster A parishes will schedule dates to host a Prayer and Worship Workshop in the near future.
Here is the schedule for these Prayer and Worship Workshops: • Tuesday, Sept. 14, at 6:00pm, at St. Patrick’s Church, 500 South Main, Shamrock. The deadline to register for this workshop is Thursday, Sept. 9 at 5:00pm; • Thursday, Sept. 16, at 6:00pm at Church of the Holy Spirit, 511 South Austin, Tulia. Monday, Sept. 13 at 5:00pm is the deadline to register for this workshop; • Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 6:00pm at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, 901 South Roland, Spearman. The deadline to register for this workshop is Thursday, Sept. 16 at 5:00pm; and, • Thursday, Sept. 23 at 6:00pm at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 4512 NE 24th Ave., Amarillo. Monday, Sept. 20 at 5:00pm is the deadline to register for this workshop.