Amarillo—Bishop Patrick J. Zurek invites everyone throughout the Diocese of Amarillo to attend and take part in a Te Deum Mass Thursday, Nov. 11 at 11:00am at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.
“During the last Presbyteral Council Meeting, one of the priests suggested that we celebrate a special Mass for the Diocese of Amarillo commemorating the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Bishop Zurek. “We hope to gather to pray for the eternal rest of those who suffered death during this time. It was a time obviously of the unknown, a time of fear, of wondering ‘if I get the disease how it will end.’ Something was occurring, that we had no idea would happen, that was unexpected. We did not know how to respond to it; it was totally new.
“It was suggested by the council, that in addition to praying for the dead, it would also be very important to remember that during those days our behavior might not always have been the way we wanted it to be. We might have reacted at times in a way we might not normally react. It was suggested that it also be a healing of memories, of experiences as we move onward. There will also be a Prayer for Reconciliation where it is needed so that the Body of Christ in the Church will be unified more and exude more the love of neighbor Jesus taught us in the Great Commandment, as the Holy Father keeps reminding us. There were many difficulties during this time, but there were also many silver lining moments and golden linings as we experienced family life anew and maybe we reintroduced prayer in the family.
“We will pray for thanksgiving, for the repose of the souls of those who died and for healing and reconciliation where needed. All the people of the diocese are encouraged to come, from every mission and parish, no matter how large or how small, to fill the Cathedral so we can pray as one unified body in thanksgiving to God that we have made it thus far and we hope that it will end soon. We encourage you to come so that we can demonstrate and manifest, to the public around us, our continued love and fidelity to Christ.”