Amarillo—Parishes throughout the Diocese of Amarillo have announced Mass Schedules for Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 26.
Listed below are the parishes that supplied the Office of Communications with their Mass schedules.
Parishes not listed here either failed to report their schedules or are not planning celebrations. A number of parishes are celebrating Thanksgiving Day Mass on Wednesday, Nov. 25.
Schedules are subject to change without notice. Please consult your parish bulletin or parish website for additional details.
St. Mary’s Cathedral: Thursday, Nov. 26, 9:00am
Blessed Sacrament: Thursday, Nov. 26, 9:00am (Bilingual)
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Thursday, Nov. 26, 10:00am (English)
Our Lady of Vietnam: Thursday, Nov. 26, 6:00pm
St. Francis of Assisi: Thursday, Nov. 26, 9:00am
St. Hyacinth: Thursday, Nov. 26, 9:00am
St. Joseph’s: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 7:00pm; Thursday, Nov. 26, 8:15am
St. Laurence: Thursday, Nov. 26, 8:30am (English, at the Capuchin Convent) and 10:00am (Bilingual)
St. Martin de Porres: Thursday, Nov. 26, 9:00am
St. Thomas the Apostle: Thursday, Nov. 26, 10:00am
St. Peter’s: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 7:00pm (Bilingual)
St. John the Evangelist: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 6:30pm (Spanish); Thursday, Nov. 26, 8:00am (English)
St. Ann’s: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 6:00pm (Bilingual)
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Thursday, Nov. 26, 8:00am (Spanish)
Sacred Heart: Thursday, Nov. 26, 9:00am (Bilingual)
Sacred Heart of Jesus: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 7:00pm (Bilingual)
St. Ann’s: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 6:30pm (Spanish); Thursday, Nov. 26, 8:30am (English), both at St. John the Evangelist Church, Borger
St. Joseph’s: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 6:00pm (Bilingual)
Christ the King: Thursday, Nov. 26, 9:00am, at Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Dumas, which will include the blessing of the Thanksgiving bread being served during dinners that day.
St. Mary’s: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 7:00pm
Church of the Holy Spirit: Wednesday, Nov. 25, 6:00pm