Amarillo—A Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is scheduled Friday, Oct. 27 through Sunday, Oct. 29 at the Bishop DeFalco Retreat Center, 2100 North Spring.
For over four decades, Worldwide Marriage Encounter has been a leading movement in offering married couples the gift of a Weekend experience to enrich their relationship. The Weekend is now offered in more than 90 countries.
Here are five frequently asked questions about Worldwide Marriage Encounter:
Is there a specific religious focus to the Weekend?
Marriage Encounter does present God as a focus for successful Marriage. There are many faith expressions of Marriage Encounter Weekends—Catholic, as well as several Protestant denominations. While the Weekend may be presented in a given Faith expression, each is open to married couples with other religious beliefs. The opportunities of the Weekend go beyond the boundaries of any one expression.
Who is Worldwide Marriage Encounter for?
Any married couple who desires a richer, fuller life together. A marriage can never be too good. Worldwide Marriage Encounter, a marriage enrichment program, is designed to deepen and enrich the joys a couple share together, whether they have been married for only a short time, or for many years. Priests and other religious are also welcome and encouraged to attend!
Does the Weekend respect the privacy of each couple?
YES! Absolutely!
The weekend is oriented strictly to each individual couple. You concentrate on your spouse to such an extent that you are hardly aware of the other couples present. The presentations are given to the group as a whole. After each presentation, the husband and wife have time in the privacy of their room for their own personal discussion. There is no group sharing on the weekend.
How does a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend enhance a marriage?
The encounter weekend, a marriage enrichment program, teaches a communication technique which permits each couple to explore important areas of their relationship in a spirit of love and understanding. By continuing the newly acquired technique begun on the weekend, husband and wives continually grow closer together to live more joyful and purposeful lives.
I have heard that dialogue is an important part of the Weekend…
"Dialogue is the communication technique taught on the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. A priest/religious who is making the Weekend dialogues with the priest on the ministry team, or another priest/religious who is also making the Weekend.”
Cost of the weekend is $100 per couple. Apply online at For additional information, please contact Tung and Nanette Nguyen at 806-557-4041 or via email at [email protected].