JUNE 24-28, 2024
The Life Teen Leadership Conference is a week of discussions and activities designed to help teens become the leaders and disciples that God is calling them to be. Teens will have the opportunity to meet other young people nationwide who are dedicated to evangelism and discipleship, experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation, engage in holy worship, adore the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration, and learn useful leadership skills
Who Should Attend
Rising juniors and seniors, with their adult chaperones, are invited to this event. Every teen must go as a member of a church group. Since the program is intended for teenagers to attend only once, rather than often, you can bring a fresh set of teenagers to develop into leaders every year. We allow youth pastors and priests enough of time to spend with their group during the week because we understand that young leaders are only as strong as the community that surrounds them. Invest in the future of the Church by inviting your upperclassmen to Benedictine College for a life-changing week