Amarillo—Once again this year, the Diocese of Amarillo is offering adults who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation the opportunity to prepare for the reception of the Sacrament, according to Sister María Elena Ferrer, SSND, director of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation.
“Each year, the Diocese of Amarillo offers adults who have received the Eucharist but not received the Sacrament of Confirmation the opportunity to prepare for the reception of the Sacrament, first of all, by contacting the parish pastor to obtain approval to receive instruction, she said.
A person who wishes to be confirmed at the Diocesan Adult Confirmation is asked to do the following:
• Contact the pastor of your respective parish;
• Attend the Confirmation classes at the parish level (for those who are 17 years of age—not in the High School Program—or older and meet the criteria of the diocesan guidelines, as found in the document
Information for the Sacrament of Confirmation, issued October 2016.
• Attend the Confirmation Retreat at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington, Amarillo, on
Saturday, March 24, with registration beginning at 9:15am; and,
• Present the necessary documentation on the day of the retreat:
(1) the completed form sent to the pastor with his signature and,
(2) a copy of the Baptismal Certificate.
The Sacrament of Confirmation for Adults will be conferred
Saturday, April 7 at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Detailed information will be given at the retreat.
The Confirmation Retreat at St. Mary’s Cathedral will take place
March 24, with registration beginning at
The Retreat will be offered in both English and Spanish and all candidates are expected to attend this retreat, according to Sister María Elena. The Retreat will open with the celebration of the Eucharist by Bishop Patrick J. Zurek, and all must be present.
For additional information, please contact the pastor of your respective parish.