Pampa—DCCW 84 Years: Still Envisioning the Future is the theme of the 84th annual Fall Convention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) Convention, tentatively scheduled Saturday, Oct. 17 at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 810 West 23rd Street.
This year’s convention is a one-day event, according to DCCW president Julie Neusch. Those attending this year’s convention are advised that existing city and state COVID-19 regulations will be in effect. This may include social distancing, hand sanitation and the wearing of masks while not eating or drinking.
The convention begins with registration and hospitality at 8:30am, with activities beginning at 9:00. Father Taylor Elzner, parochial vicar at St. Vincent de Paul Church, will address attendees during the morning session.
A native of Dumas, Father Elzner, 31, was ordained to the priesthood on June 2, 2019 by Bishop Patrick J. Zurek at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Amarillo.
At 11:15, Mass will be celebrated, with priests of the Diocese of Amarillo invited to concelebrate. The Mass will be followed by a luncheon. Kathy Tortoreo, Crisis Services Director for Family Support Services, Amarillo, will be the afternoon speaker.
The convention will also include election of officers and their installation, plus the announcement of the 2020 DCCW Woman of the Year, who will be honored at a reception prior to the conclusion of the convention, according to Neusch.
Cost of the convention is $30 per person, which includes lunch. The deadline to register is Monday, Oct. 5. Should the convention be cancelled, money will be refunded.
The service project for this year’s convention will be the Bishop DeFalco Retreat Center, Amarillo. A donation basket will be available for monetary donations. The collection from the Mass will be donated to the Pregnancy Crisis Center in Pampa. For additional details about the 84th annual DCCW Fall Convention, please contact Neusch at 806-223-6046 or via email, [email protected].