Hereford—The annual Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Auction to benefit St. Anthony School is scheduled Sunday, March 7.
The day begins at 11:30am with a Pulled Pork and Sausage Meal. The meal will be drive-through only, according to St. Anthony School principal Paula Simpson.
Tickets for the meal are $15 per plate and can be purchased in the school office during regular business hours at 120 Park Ave.; from St. Anthony student; or, online at The meal will be available until 2:30pm.
Due to limited COVID space in St. Anthony Gym, invitations have been sent out for the live auction, which begins at 1:00pm.
“Each invitation includes an RSVP return envelope which requires $250 to reserve a seat at the auction,” Simpson said. “Cost for couples are $300. At this time, additional seats for the auction may be reserved by calling the school office at 364-1952.”
All items for the auction will be photographed and available for viewing on the school’s website prior to the auction.
There will also be a silent auction, according to Simpson. Beginning Monday, March 1, 20 silent auction items will be posted on the school’s Facebook page, St. Anthony Catholic School, Hereford, Tx. Bids for the silent auction will close at 5:00pm on Friday, March 5.
For more information, to donate an item to the auctions or to make a financial contribution, please contact the school at 364-1952.