Amarillo—Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle will note its 90th anniversary Saturday, Aug. 20 with an Anniversary Gala from 6:30pm to 11:30pm at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 4100 South Coulter.
The gala, being chaired by Honorary Chairman Paul Engler, begins with hors d’oeuvres, followed by dinner at 7:30. The evening will include a live auction, casino style gambling, a photo booth, live entertainment with Patrick Swindell and Esquire Jazz, as well as a silent auction and cocktails.
“If gambling is not your style, we’ll have an assortment of games, including our infamous duck pond and ring toss for wine,” said CCTXP executive director Jeff Gulde. “We’re planning an evening of fun and we don’t want you to miss the party.
“We’ve gone through many changes in our 90-year history, but one thing has always stayed the same: our dedication to helping those who need it most. Please join us and help us continue with this tradition.”
Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle was established by then-Bishop Rudolph A. Gerken, the first Bishop of Amarillo, on Aug. 15, 1932. The name, along with the leadership, has adapted to best fit the needs of our community. In 2012, the organization took the name Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle.
For additional information about the celebration, please call Catholic Charities at 806-376-4571.