Amarillo—The Catholic Rural Life Committee of the Diocese of Amarillo is initiating a mentoring program in Hutchinson, Hansford and Ochiltree counties to assist adults in CPS cases and addiction rehabilitation programs.
The program is called Court-Community Cooperation. According to Father Jim Schmitmeyer, pastor at St. John the Evangelist Church, Borger and diocesan Rural Life Director, the goal of the program is to recruit and train volunteer mentors in rural communities to support adults who are struggling to regain stability in their personal and family life. The mentorship program will provide a level of encouragement and guidance that government agencies alone cannot provide.
Informational meetings have been scheduled for Perryton, Spearman and Borger. Presenters will include district judges as well as representatives of various social agencies. Each event will present an overview of specific needs faced by individuals and families afflicted with addiction, abuse or other forms of dysfunctionality.
Judge Curt Brancheau of the 84th District supports this initiative of the Rural Life Committee: “I personally think a system that is localized, with foster parents and community volunteers serving their neighbors, is far more advantageous than child placements spread throughout the state,” he said. “The current approach often requires disadvantaged and demoralized parents to overcome distance, addiction and many other problems entirely on their own.”
The informational meetings are scheduled in the Provenance Consulting Conference Room, 301 W 6th Street, Suite 200, Borger, on Thursday, July 11 at 7:00pm; at the Ochiltree County Courthouse at 511 S Main in Perryton on Monday, July 15; and, at the Hansford County Courthouse at 15 NW Ct Street in Spearman, also at 7:00pm on July 15. The times and dates for mentorship training sessions will be announced at a later date.
“Transformations occur in relationships,” said Father Schmitmeyer. “This is the meaning of the exhortation at the end of each Mass: Go and proclaim the Gospel by your life. I hope many individuals will step up and help their communities become the best they can be.”
For additional information, please contact Father Jim Schmitmeyer at St. John the Evangelist Church in Borger at 806-274-7064.