The First Seminary: Cultivating Vocations at Home is the theme of a Parish Vocation Committee Workshop taking place Saturday, Oct. 6, beginning at 9:00am at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 4512 NE 24
“In many ways, this workshop is a follow-up to the workshops that took place last fall and spring,” said Father Shane Wieck, parochial vicar at St. Laurence Church and a member of the Diocesan Vocations Team. “Many popes have referred to the family as the first seminary. The word ‘seminary’ means ‘seedbed,’ and so it’s the first seedbed where we learn how to pray, where we learn how to forgive, where we learn how to listen and where we learn how to obey. All of these aspects are part of that cultivation of a vocation.
“The home is the church away from the church, the domestic church. What we’re trying to do is equip our parish vocations committees to teach families how to make their homes domestic churches and therefore places where the seeds of vocations are planted.”
Father Wieck added that a number of couples from parish vocations committees will offer presentations on what is taking place in their homes and the difference it has made in the lives of their children.
The day will begin with a Holy Hour for Vocations and for our priests, said Father Wieck, and will also include other presentations and collaboration with other vocations groups from across the diocese. Lunch will also be provided.
For additional details about The First Seminary: Cultivating Vocations at Home, please contact Father Wieck at St. Laurence Church, 383-2261 or Vic Holguin, diocesan Vocations Secretary, at 383-2243, ext. 119.