Amarillo—Dates for Retreat Ministry Training have been released by Diocesan Youth Director Oscar Guzman.
The online training takes approximately two hours per sessions and begins at 6:00pm on four consecutive Wednesdays, according to Guzman. The dates and sessions are:
• July 25, The Art of Preparing Prayer and Worship; and,
• Aug. 1, Small Group Facilitation Skills and Icebreakers, Team Building Activities and Energizers.
“The sessions can be completed via computer, tablet or cellphone,” said Guzman. “Those participating must have camera and video capabilities to attend the training.”
Those taking part in the online training must download the online meeting app at, according to Guzman.
“This training is open to anyone that feels the call to serve on his or her parish retreat team or on the Diocesan Youth Ministry retreat team, Covenant Teen,” he said. “The training is also open to all seventh through twelfth grade catechists that would like to learn techniques to help share the Catholic Faith with those they serve.”
For additional information about Retreat Ministry Training, please contact Guzman at the Diocesan Pastoral Center as soon as possible at 383-2243, ext. 118. Those participating in the online training will receive log-in information, reminders and updates via Flocknote, the official email/text service for the Diocese of Amarillo.