Bishop Patrick J. Zurek is pleased to announce that the Safe Environment Office of the Diocese of Amarillo is again offering a Safe Environment Adult Trainers Training Program, as developed by Praesidium. This professionally produced program was first introduced in the diocese in August 2012 and is being offered again to increase our number of Adult Trainers.
Each parish Pastor should select one or more leaders from their parish (mission) to attend this training program. These persons must have already received Safe Environment training, cleared for ministry by the Safe Environment Office, hold a responsible position in the parish, be open to train those adults who work with minors, willing to make a long-term commitment to this ministry and have an email address.
The training is one day from 9:00am to 4:00pm at the Bishop DeFalco Retreat Center, 2100 North Spring. Potential trainers can attend either Friday, June 6 or Saturday June 7. If you are interested please contact your Pastor.
Only those who are pre-registered and with permission of their Pastor will be authorized to attend the sessions.
In essence this program is designed to educate those leaders how to train volunteers and employees at their parishes and Catholic schools in Safe Environment matters. Such training helps to ensure those adults who are in contact with children will do all in their power to protect them from harm, will be able to recognize abuse symptoms, know how to lovingly respond and notify the appropriate authorities.
The sessions will be in English; however, the diocese has previously provided parishes with Spanish language workbooks which should be made available for those who will be representing their parishes.
For further information regarding Safe Environment, Victim Assistance, Reporting Abuse, the revised Amarillo Diocese Safe Environment Policy and Programs for Children and Minors please visit the diocesan website at
Deacon Blaine Westlake is Director of Safe Environment for the Diocese of Amarillo.