Amarillo--The public is invited to attend an Adult Confirmation Mass, scheduled Saturday, April 22 at 10:00am at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1200 South Washington.
During the Mass the Sacrament of Confirmation, which is necessary for the completion of the Baptismal grace, will be conferred to all the adults who have been receiving instruction for this Sacrament since the first of the year.
The Adult Confirmandi are asked to be at the church with their sponsors by 9:30 to receive information prior to Mass, according to Sister María Elena Ferrer, SSND, Coordinator of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Amarillo.
Por favor apunte el cambio de horario para la celebración del Sacramento de la Confirmación para los adultos en la Diócesis de Amarillo.
Lugar: St. Mary’s Cathedral
1200 S. Washington Street
Amarillo, TX 79102
Fecha: Sábado, 22 de abril, 2017
Hora: La celebración comenzara a las 10:00 am – Todos los adultos y su padrino o madrina deben estar en sus bancas a más tardar 9:30 am.